Wednesday, January 20, 2010



THE GOD of my resolve has no bows to give, and has WILLED me the power to behead the foe of our woes and cause destruction to the sins of mans pride. I will not cease the ever movement, motion of devouring the darkness and spewing into the belly of the beasts the reflection of his deeds upon GOD’S chosen as I thrust the edges of my blade upwards into his lies and deceit of my Nation, of the Original Man’s SIGHT of SELF and LIGHT and TRUTH of HIM.

Eye Said……….

WHO ARE YOU?: Niggers, remove your hideous selves as I crush the life of your existence from my people and raise the BLACK MAN from your SOULS and make him WHOLE again Inside of EYES that are veiled by the wicked ones who tell you where to go, what to think, how to drink from the filth of their blood stained mouths as they eat the babes from your wombs and turn them into vessels of self hate and loathing to keep YOU, Original Man, in the darkness of their whiteness.

Black Man……….

RISE UP! The KINGDOM waits for you to claim the throne of your inheritance that the MASTER prepared before HE exhaled you from the bosom of HIS MIND, before the darkness before the light; before Yakob and over 6000 years of terrorism and deception; as damnation is inevitable for the wicked. Wield your SELF in the battle to bring your people back INTO their RIGHTful place as GOD HIMSELF for which no other can claim or deny you.


AND LET the fire of your righteousness burn infinitely; annihilating your MIND’S imprisonment as your flames shed LIGHT on the path of your escape from the hell that surrounds you. Nation, smother the smoldering cinders of the iniquitous and immoral fiends for which justice is now at hand as the realm of their evil implodes, shredding their cloaks and exposing the faces of their death as the THE PEOPLE see clearly their falsehoods.


AND LET flow from your mouths the voice of GOD.


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